
Taking a snapshot is like taking a photo - within seconds the complete status of your NAS system and data is recorded. If an unexpected situation arises on your system, you can revert to the state recorded by a snapshot. With greater space-efficiency and flexibility compared to traditional backup methods, snapshots are the best way to protect your files and data.

A Network-Attached Storage (NAS) is a device that provides centralized storage accessible over a network. It serves as a file server and is typically used for data storage, backup, and sharing. Here are the key benefits of using NAS:


What is a snapshot and how is it different than a backup?

What does a snapshot do?

n short snapshots are versioning, or the ability to undo a change. If you take a snapshot every hour, for example, then all your files or folders can be reverted back to the state they were at the time of any of your snapshots. So, if you get a virus, then you can just revert your files, folders, or whole volume to the state it was before you got the virus

How is this different than a backup?

A backup is a complete copy of your data. So, if you have 5TB of data each copy will take up an additional 5TB of space. If you make a backup every 1 hour, then after just 10 hours, your backups would take 50TB of space. For this reason, it is not common to save many versions of your backups and backups are not good for versioning. Snapshots are great for versioning because they are not backups and they can have many versions without taking up much space. A snapshot only needs to save enough information to undo a change and that makes it take less space than a backup.